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Spring Showers

This is a rainy Monday morning, in the last week of April. Karen Carpenter sang, “Rainy Days And Mondays Always Get Me Down.” Not me. I love a rainy day. I especially enjoy a walk in the rain. Just ask Gene Kelley who danced and sang, “Singing In The Rain”. It’s fun.

One of the last walks Buck and I took together was just after he had had his first carotid artery operation. It was a successful surgery and he was feeling well. So, we opened our umbrella and took a walk on an unusually warm, rainy November afternoon. It was romantic cuddled close under the umbrella.

I recall a very rainy vacation in Washington D.C. We made a stop in Williamsburg and bought out a drug store’s supply of umbrellas. The kids didn’t mind at just added to the fun. There is something about a puddle that can’t be resisted if you are young or old.

Looking out my window today, I think my umbrella would be inside out if I were to battle the wind. So, Poppy and I will bundle up and forget the umbrella and take a wet walk in the park. From the weather report, we are going to have many opportunities to walk in the rain this week.

People on the Mississippi River might not appreciate my enthusiasm, as the mighty Mississippi is on the verge of record high flooding.

Still, there is just something about a rainy spring day. Just ask a tulip. Betty

“Love A Rainy Night”….Eddie Rabbitt

“Rain, rain go away, come again another day, little Johnny wants to play..”

Nursery Rhyme….

“Raindrops Keep Falling On My Head”…B.J. Thomas

“I’ve learned that you can tell a lot about a person by the way she (or he) handles these three things: a rainy day, lost luggage, and tangled Christmas tree light.” ..Maya Angelou

No rain, no rainbow….

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