Home Health,
Hospice & Caregiver Services
Locally Owned and Operated
“After my husband’s stroke I found it difficult to get back out and about. Our caregiver has been a
blessing as she has made it possible for me to have respite time to go shopping or have lunch with my
girlfriends every now and then.”
"I am a Veteran and qualify to have a caregiver come to my house a few days each week. She helps me with my grocery shopping since I cannot drive. She helps me prepare meals and makes sure my laundry is done. I feel safer at home because I know someone will be checking on me. She is a great help to me."
“I was hospitalized for quite some time and just wanted to get back home. I was able to go home with a
caregiver who ran to the pharmacy for me, got my groceries and made my meals. She helped me do my
laundry and keep my house tidy so I could be home safely. My doctor ordered for a nurse and physical
therapist to come to my house to help with my rehabilitation. My nurse was in contact with my doctor,
and though I had some issues come up, they were able to mange the problems and I didn’t have to go
back to the hospital. After a few weeks I was feeling stronger. I was so happy to be able to go home to
recover and recuperate.”