As a caregiver, you wear many hats. Bookkeeper is one of them. Often becoming a caregiver happens without warning, so you have little or no time to prepare.
If your spouse or parent did the bill paying, investing, car up-keep, house maintenance etc., you can easily become overwhelmed by junk mail and correspondence. This is added stress for you and stress is dangerous.
I can sympathize because, it didn’t take long until my desk and counter tops were covered with stacks of paper. Fortunately, “Pitching Amy” paid me a visit. Not everyone is lucky enough to have a daughter who can get rid of piles of junk mail in record time or sort through requests from charities and well-meaning organizations. I felt such a relief when I could actually see the color of the counter top again.
I realize not everyone has a family member who will help with the paper work, but undue stress is bad for you, so we need to find someone who will help.
Perhaps you do have a family member who would help, but hasn’t offered because they feel like they are overstepping their bounds. My son-in-law Bill, stepped up and offered help with investments, my son-in-law Joe helped when I needed to buy a car, and I already told you about “Pitching Amy”. If none of those are an option, there is the Bureau County Senior Center, which has persons to answer questions. Perhaps your care giver who visits during the day would be happy to help you sort through your mail.
Beware of calls from organizations. Never discuss your personal information with anyone over the phone. The IRS or Social Security Administration will never call and ask for your bank numbers.
Your helper from In-Home Care Connection can offer you good advice. Give her a call at:
Princeton: 1-815-872-7447
Peru: 1-815-220-7447
Moline: 1-309-764-7477
Have a good clutter free day. Betty