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Buck, Betty and Bud

Since you and I are just getting acquainted, I feel it important for you to know that I believe in angels. I’m not telling you to believe, only that I do.

I believe God sends them to interact in our lives. The proof to me, are the countless times one has appeared, unexpectedly; for example, a card or note of encouragement in my mailbox when I am having a “throw in the towel” kind of day. There are unexpected visits from a grandchild or a neighbor just to say “hi”. Random acts of kindness. Or say, a stray dog found under a truck in Sheffield.

Now is a good time to introduce a very important member of our family.


Following Buck’s stroke in the fall of 2003, our kids decided their dad would benefit from having a dog. We always had a family pet and some years more than one at a time. So one day, around Thanksgiving, a phone call came from Josh Randall, the animal control officer from Bureau County. He had just picked up a stray hiding under a truck in Sheffield. For lack of a better idea, Josh named him Oscar. Having a kind heart and not wanting to see put him down, Josh told us he thought Oscar was worth a look.

So, together with several family members, Buck and I drove north of town to the pound. Josh led “Oscar” out to meet us. There stood a short, long, shaggy eared, sad eyed, black and brown dog. Oscar climbed in the front seat and sat on Buck’s lap. He didn’t budge. He sat there like he had always been there. Now how could anyone refuse that face??

That afternoon our daughters took Oscar to the vet for a check-up. After a bath and updated shots and an appointment to have him neutered, he was delivered to his new home.

We changed his name to Buddy because every time someone greeted him they would say, “hi Buddy”, and besides “Oscar” somehow didn’t fit.

Buddy came with some baggage. He was house broken and enjoyed being around us, but he suffered from separation anxiety. This came close to being a deal breaker for me. I had my hands full with Buck and I sure didn’t need more problems with a dog that went crazy when left alone. During those first months Buddy ate two tv remotes, a stuffed snow lady with a feathered hat, and any news paper or magazine left with in reach.

Weeks passed and gradually with the help of short daily walks, food, water and a good bed with Buck, his fears began to calm. The walks helped to calm me too.

We were quite a trio. Buddy had been abandoned and was suffering the effects of desertion and possible abuse. Fear of being left again had caused his panic. Buck had suffered a huge loss. His body and brain having betrayed him, fought to regain strength and purpose. Me? Well, I was treading water trying to grasp a foot hold, desperate to find some balance in our lives. We fought the demons that would drown us, the three of us clung together, surrounded by family and friends.

This all happened fourteen years ago. Buddy is a constant reminder of unconditional love and loyalty. Today Buck is no longer with us, its just Bud and me. Our son-in-law once said that he believes Buddy is an angel God sent to us. I believe that to be truth. Betty

P.S. Thanks Josh

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